I'm a Christian wife & homeschooling mama, saved by faith through grace. I changed my family's diet from SAD (Standard American Diet) to healthy, delicious & nutritious traditional foods. I've recently discovered there's a name for the way that I eat. It's called Primal or Paleo (I like the diet and think of the men and women who worked hard from sunup to sundown, constantly on the go, eating meat, berries they picked, cheese they made. I do not believe in evolution). No grains, legumes, refined sugars, and no/limited dairy.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pumpkin Spice Gluten Free Pancakes

I had a hankering for pancakes this morning, and the kids LOVE pancakes, so I whipped out my Mama's Coconut Blend Flour, used Hemp Milk, eggs, Grain Free Baking Powder, salt, and homemade pumpkin pie spice. Extremely easy, and extremely yummy!

Gluten-free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes
1 cup Mama's Gluten-free Coconut Blend Flour
1 tsp Grain Free Baking Powder
1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
sprinkle of salt

1 cup Hemp milk (or any milk will probably do)
1 egg

Mix all together. Pour on hot pan until cooked.
Pour Organic Grade B Maple Syrup on top and enjoy!


  1. I have never used that brand of coconut blend flour. Does it have other kinds of flours in it too? I used coconut flour yesterday to make a cake. It was good. I'm sure those pancakes would be good with some pumpkin in them, or some sort of coconut milk and pumpkin blend on top, don't you think?

  2. Yes, it does, rice, potato, tapioca, etc.
    Coconut flour is awesome, and it expands, so you don't need as much as with wheat flour.

  3. You know, I bet the Coconut Milk Pumpkin Ice Cream I posted yesterday would be delicious on top!
