I'm a Christian wife & homeschooling mama, saved by faith through grace. I changed my family's diet from SAD (Standard American Diet) to healthy, delicious & nutritious traditional foods. I've recently discovered there's a name for the way that I eat. It's called Primal or Paleo (I like the diet and think of the men and women who worked hard from sunup to sundown, constantly on the go, eating meat, berries they picked, cheese they made. I do not believe in evolution). No grains, legumes, refined sugars, and no/limited dairy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Amazing Gluten Free Bread!

I can't believe how amazing this bread is. It tastes like glutinous bread, and isn't expensive to make!
I was thrilled to come across this recipe from glutenfreegoddess. She has a lot of really great recipes, check out her blog!

Here's my version of this yummy bread: you can leave out the oil for an almost sourdoughy type taste!
3 cups sorghum flour
2 cups tapioca starch

1 1/2 cup millet flour
2 Tbsp guar gum
1 1/4 Tbsp fine sea salt

2 Tbsp coconut flour
3 Tbsp Date Sugar (dehydrated, granulated dates)
3 Tbsp Red Star Active Dry Yeast (not nutritional yeast, as my hubby found out)
2 Tbsp Chia seeds

In seperate bowl:
3 3/4 cup warm water (not boiling, as my hubby also found out)
9 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (just under 1/2 cup)
1 1/2 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
4 whole local, free range eggs

Mix the dry ingredients together first, including yeast.
Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients.
Mix together.
Pour into three greased pans lined with parchment paper and place in a warmed oven (turned OFF after warming) for 30 minutes.
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes, until the bread sounds hollow when thumped. Remove from pan and place on cooling rack. Slice off end and eat hot.

It turned out quite well, and the kids and I eat the loaf in a day. The baby LOVES it :)

ETA: This made great toast for when I was sick. I'm so glad I had a safe option.

Perfect for dipping in Creamy Tomato Soup

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