I'm a Christian wife & homeschooling mama, saved by faith through grace. I changed my family's diet from SAD (Standard American Diet) to healthy, delicious & nutritious traditional foods. I've recently discovered there's a name for the way that I eat. It's called Primal or Paleo (I like the diet and think of the men and women who worked hard from sunup to sundown, constantly on the go, eating meat, berries they picked, cheese they made. I do not believe in evolution). No grains, legumes, refined sugars, and no/limited dairy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cream Cheese?

I got a giant bag of cashew pieces from Azure Standard. The bag has been sitting in my cupboard for a little while. Finally, last night, I put some in a bowl to soak. I need to measure next time, because it turns out I got four cups in there and I'm trying to figure out what to do with them all tonight! LOL

I made this dairy free cream cheese recipe by Kelly of The Spunky Coconut. I added some dill to a dish of it and dipped baby carrots in. Yummy!

I put the rest on baking stones, lightly salted, and am dehydrating them in the oven at 150 degrees until crunchy, for EDaddy to take in his lunches to work.

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