I'm a Christian wife & homeschooling mama, saved by faith through grace. I changed my family's diet from SAD (Standard American Diet) to healthy, delicious & nutritious traditional foods. I've recently discovered there's a name for the way that I eat. It's called Primal or Paleo (I like the diet and think of the men and women who worked hard from sunup to sundown, constantly on the go, eating meat, berries they picked, cheese they made. I do not believe in evolution). No grains, legumes, refined sugars, and no/limited dairy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pumpkin Spice Bean Cake

Kelly, of The Spunky Coconut, has some pretty awesome recipes! She even has a new cookbook that I hope to get in the next couple months. I made her Pumpkin Spice Bean Cake for my dear friend, Jennifer's, bridal shower Saturday, and of course, had to make some more, so the kids and I could have some :)
I used my mini food processor on the walnuts the second time, and much preferred the texture of the frosting that way, not too small - perfectly chunked walnut frosting.

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