Raw, local honey
Raw cacao powder
Grape Juice (Welch's 100% Concord - not technically a food, but I'll take what I can get)
salt & pepper
I used to eat cooked carrots, and then found out, through keeping a food diary, that she's intolerant to those. So now we're actually getting sleep at night! I'm a new person! I can face the world! I'm not a puddle of tears when my husband gets home! It's great!
Now that I have honey and raw cacao powder, I am a HAPPY camper! And I keep finding new ways to make the things I can eat, so that's a definite plus.
When people hear I can only eat these seven things, they usually react with sympathy and pity. As long as I keep a positive attitude (which is definitely not 100% of the time), I'm pretty happy. When I start to focus on what I CAN'T have, then my attitude sours, because I'm focusing on myself and what I can't do, rather than the healthy, delicious foods I CAN have, and being thankful for them. I am truly thankful for each food I can eat. It's unusual that such an intolerant/allergic baby can tolerate eggs, and for that, I am truly thankful.
So when you're with me when I'm eating, don't pity me! I'm enjoying your company and know that this is a very short period in my life. And it is worth it to give my sweet baby the best food I can, so that she will continue to grow and develop.
AND, I'm only 5-6 lbs away from prepregnancy weight! WOOHOO!!!!! Definite pluses to my restrictions ;)
(note on the juice: I wouldn't normally be drinking juice, but since starting SCD - Specific Carbohydrate Diet - it is on there and I'm not going to take away a monosaccaride that is easily digested and doesn't give me candida problems or sugar cravings. It is a treat that she and I can both handle, and I drink it as such.)