Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Not all roses...

My friend, Holly, was very open about how her life is not all roses, in fact, struggles with some very hard and real problems. I do, too. Everyone does, it's a part of being fallen sinners, in need of a Savior.

I generally have a good attitude about my food restrictions, but sometimes I throw temper tantrums. Not out loud, or so that people can see or even notice them, but in my mind. I have thoughts that are very unglorifying to my God, and I have to repent of them.

Eating with restrictions is about good recipes and attitude. Being thankful for what I CAN eat, and the benefits that the nutritious food has brought me, are what get me through. I choose to have a good attitude (mostly!) about what I can and can't eat, and when I'm craving something I can't have, I try to figure out if my body needs something it's not getting - fat, protein, vitamins, etc. If I'm craving something sweet, I'll eat an apple or make a cherry smoothie with coconut milk, etc. I do have some special things that I don't eat often, like Terra Veggie Chips Originals or Black Cherry Zevia Soda (made with the herb Stevia instead of an artificial sweetener). If I'm having a sweet craving and am restless and can't figure out what I want, I'll eat protein and fat together. I keep a jar of Kalamata and often green olives on hand for quick, easy fat fixes. Avocados are portable and yummy - I keep plastic spoons & forks in the car, and salt in my purse to scoop & sprinkle.

There's a recipe for a substitute for almost everything out there! I'm so thankful I live in the age of the internet!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, my dear. It's finding places like this on the internet that help. We don't feel so alone and you share your ideas with us. I keep spoons and forks and salt and pepper in my car too. :D I don't usually have avocado. But I think that I should!

    I've been thinking about all the people in the world who only get a bowl of rice a day lately. That's helping when I throw those inevitable temper tantrums too.
